Tosoku Döner anahtar (Rotary Switch)

Tosoku RS300

adım açısı, çok aşamalı, çoklu devre zenginliği sağlamak, bu voltaj 1.5kV ~ 6 kV ve ürün yüksek bir arıza dayanım gerilimi, çoklu temas ile başa çıkabilecek imal edilebilir döner anahtardır.

Rotary Switch Catalog


Tosoku RS400

Standart bir döner anahtardır. 
Çift şaft tipi, kısa devre / kısa devre dışı, panel su geçirmez tip ile çeşitli varyasyonlara karşılık gelebilir.

Rotary Switch Catalog


Tosoku RS500

Çoklu adım açıları hazırlayabilen, birden çok aşamayı, çoklu devreleri, çoklu kontakları tutabilen ve panel su geçirmez tip üretebilen bir döner anahtardır.

Rotary Switch Catalog


Tosoku RS700 Standart tip döner anahtarlar arasında en küçük üründür. 
Klipsli kontak sistemi ile yüksek güvenilirlik sağlanır.

Rotary Switch Catalog


Tosoku LS700

3 tip kontak, 2, 3 ve 4 kontak arasından seçim yapabileceğiniz bir kol düğmesidir. 
Çalışma kolu ayrıca zıplatma ile üretilebilir.

Rotary Switch Catalog


Tosoku RS113

İletişim anahtarlama olmayan tek kısa devre seçilebilir 27.69 °, özel bir döner anahtar olarak adım açısı 13.85 °, adım açısı kısa devre / de kısa devre olup.

Rotary Switch Catalog


Tosoku MR8A

Bu ultra kompakt 8 mm kare kare baskılı devre kartı montaj tipi döner anahtarıdır. 
Yüksek temas güvenilirliğini sağlamak için altın bir temas noktası kullanır ve baskılı bir kablolama panosuna yoğun bir yapı ile monte edildikten sonra yıkanabilir ve yıkanabilir.

Rotary Switch Catalog


Tosoku RP7X

Baskılı bir kablo kartı montaj tipinin döner anahtarıdır. 
Zengin bir adım açısı hazırlamaya ek olarak, çeşitli çift şaft tipi, kısa devre / kısa devre dışı ve çeşitli varyasyonlar üretmek mümkündür

Rotary Switch Catalog.


Tosoku RP8XU

Baskılı bir kablo kartı montaj tipinin birim tipi bir döner anahtarıdır. 
Kullanılan birimlerin kombinasyonuna bağlı olarak çeşitli varyasyonlar mevcuttur.

Rotary Switch Catalog


Tosoku RP9Y

Anahtar yüksekliği 12,5 mm'dir, bu ultra ince baskılı devre kartı montaj tipi döner anahtardır

Rotary Switch Catalog.

Tosoku​ Kod anahtarı


Tosoku DP/DP5

DP tipi dijital kod anahtarı standart bir dijital kod anahtarıdır. 
Çeşitli kod tipleri ve adım açıları hazırlanır ve çeşitli varyasyonlara karşılık gelmek mümkündür. Ayrıca, bir panel su geçirmez tip üretilebilir. 
DP5 tipi çok işlevli dijital kod anahtarı, bir DP tipi dijital kod anahtarını ve bir döner anahtarı birleştiren bir kombinasyon tipi anahtardır.

Code Switch Catalog


Tosoku PG

Şaftsız yarı şaftlı, dikey montaj / yatay montaj gibi çeşitli uygulama formları için kullanılabilen dijital kod anahtarıdır. 
Kapalı yapı nedeniyle, baskılı devre kartını kurduktan sonra yıkamak ve yıkamak mümkündür.

Code Switch Catalog


Tosoku MR8C

Bu ultra kompakt 8 mm kare ve baskılı devre kartı montaj tipi dijital kod anahtarıdır. 
Yüksek temas güvenilirliğini sağlamak için altın bir temas noktası kullanır ve baskılı bir kablolama panosuna yoğun bir yapı ile monte edildikten sonra yıkanabilir ve yıkanabilir

Code Switch Catalog.

Tosoku​ Döner kodlayıcı (Rotary Encoder)



Tosoku RE29

Ultra ince döner kodlayıcı RE29 serisi, döner kodlayıcı ve itme anahtarını yeni tasarıma sahip ince bir şekilde paketler. Çevre dostu ve uzun ömürlü olmasının yanı sıra, kasa ve şafttan imal edilmiş, ağırlık tasarrufu sağlayan bir üründür. 
Çok çeşitli ölçüm ekipmanlarında, tıbbi ekipmanlarda, iletişim ekipmanlarında ve benzeri yerlerde kullanılabilir.

Rotary Encoder Catalog



Kullanıcının  ihtiyaçlarına uygun güç tasarrufunu amaçlayan Rotary enkoder RE25 serisi, VA tasarımındaki tüm parçaları gözden geçirdi, düşük fiyat fark etti. 

Dış boyutlar, montaj yöntemi, iç yapı vb. Göz önünde bulundurularak ölçüm aletleri, tıbbi ekipman, endüstriyel ekipman, iletişim ekipmanı, takım tezgahları vb.

Rotary Encoder Catalog


Tosoku RE24

Çift şaftlı tip anahtarlı döner kodlayıcı RE 24 serisi, iç şaftsız ve dış şaftlı enkoder fonksiyonlu itmeli anahtar işlevine sahip çok işlevli bir kodlayıcıdır. 
Dış boyutlar, montaj yöntemi, iç yapı vb. Göz önünde bulundurularak ölçüm aletleri, tıbbi ekipman, endüstriyel ekipman, iletişim ekipmanı, takım tezgahları vb

Rotary Encoder Catalog.


Tosoku RE23

Push-itmeli RE23 serisine sahip döner kodlayıcı, itme anahtarının şaft işlevi de vardır, bu nedenle basma ve çevirme işlemlerini birleştirerek artı α uygulamak mümkündür. 
Dış boyutlar, montaj yöntemi, iç yapı vb. Göz önünde bulundurularak ölçüm aletleri, tıbbi ekipman, endüstriyel ekipman, iletişim ekipmanı, takım tezgahları vb.

Rotary Encoder Catalog


Tosoku RE21

RE21 serisi push-switch'li çok fonksiyonlu döner enkoderde, itme anahtarının fonksiyonu da vardır, itme-döndürme işlemlerini birleştirerek artı α gibi bir sürtünme operasyonu uygulamak mümkündür. 
Ölçüm cihazları, tıbbi ekipman, endüstriyel ekipman, iletişim ekipmanı, takım tezgahları vb. Gibi kullanabileceğiniz kadar geniş bir yapı, operasyon hissi vb.

Rotary Encoder Catalog


Tosoku RE19

Birçok elektronik cihaz, cihazları kontrol etmek, hesaplamak, iletişim kurmak vb. Için mikrobilgisayarları birleştirir. Bununla birlikte, sayısal ayarları, hız ayarlarını, işaretleme hareketlerini, motor kontrolünü, işlev seçimini veya mikrobilgisayardan gelen deyimleri kaydırmak da mümkündür. Manuel giriş için döner kodlayıcılar (döner düğmeler, dijital potansiyometreler, vb.), Analog duyuların veri girişi aracı olarak kullanılır. 
Ultrashin Rotary Encoder RE19 serisi, ölçü aletleri, tıbbi cihazlar, endüstriyel ekipmanlar, iletişim ekipmanları, takım tezgahları vb. Için yaygın olarak kullanılan dış boyutlar, montaj yöntemi, iç yapı vb. Operasyon için adanmış bir döner kodlayıcıdır.

Rotary Encoder Catalog

Tosoku Manuel darbe jeneratör


Tosoku RE45T/V

NC takım tezgahının manuel çalışma girişi için geliştirilmiş ultra ince bir optik döner kodlayıcıdır. 
kolay veri giriş aracı olarak insana girişi gibi, ya da endüstriyel ekipman panelde kullanabilir, böylece iç yapısı göz önüne alınarak, makine araçları, dış boyutları, montaj boyutları ile sınırlı değildir, bir dijital potansiyometre olarak Bu yapılır.

Manual Pulse Generator Catalog


Tosoku RE45B

NC takım tezgahının manuel çalışma girişi için geliştirilmiş bir optik döner kodlayıcıdır. 
Geleneksel panel montaj yöntemine 60 mm yuvarlak delik için yeni 3 noktalı somun durdurma yöntemi eklendi. Dahası, kadran da görmeyi kolaylaştırmak için büyütülüyor ve operasyon hissi artıyor.

Manual Pulse Generator Catalog


Tosoku RE46

NC takım tezgahının elle çalıştırılması için geliştirilmiş bir optik artımlı tip döner kodlayıcıdır. 
Panelin derinliği 8 mm'den az, panelin iç kısmı etkili şekilde kullanılabilir. Kadran düğmesi de daha büyük, daha ağır ve operasyon hissi doldu.

Manual Pulse Generator Catalog


Tosoku RE47

NC takım tezgahının elle çalıştırılması için geliştirilmiş bir optik artımlı tip döner kodlayıcıdır. 
Diameter60'ın dış çapı ve 10 mm veya daha az panel derinliği ile panel çalışma yüzeyi ve iç kısım etkin olarak kullanılabilir. Kadran düğmesi ayrıca ağırlaşır ve çalışma

Manual Pulse Generator Catalog 

Tosoku Manuel kullanım için manuel puls üreteci


Tosoku HW

Geleneksel kablo olmadan kablosuz elle çalıştırılan operasyon için manuel puls üretecidir. 
Kablosuz olarak, kabloyu tutturmak veya kabloyu kırmak için endişelenmenize gerek kalmaz, böylece işlenebilirliği geliştirebilirsiniz.

Handy Manual Pulse Generator Katalog


Tosoku HT

Çok fonksiyonlu, kompakt ve hafif, her iki tarafta 3 konum etkinleştirme anahtarı monte edebilen yeni tasarım ile manuel çalışma için manuel puls üretecidir ve gerektiğinde acil durdurma anahtarı ve diğer gereksinimlerle düzenlenebilir. 
Tek bir siparişten gereksinimlerinize uygun özel bir modele karşılık geleceğiz.

Handy Manual Pulse Generator Katalog


Tosoku HC1

Makine aletleri ve endüstriyel makineler için yaygın olarak kullanılan ultra küçük el işletmesi için manuel puls üretecidir. Müşterilerimizi tatmin edebilmemiz için standart olarak bir kıvrımlı kablo ile donatılmıştır, konektörler de kullanılabilir ve ayrıca eksen seçimi ve büyütme değişikliği ile kablolamadan tasarruf edebilen kod anahtarı da hazırlayabiliriz.

Handy Manual Pulse Generator Katalog


Tosoku HM

Küçük boyutuna rağmen, acil stop, düğme anahtarı, döner anahtar ve benzeri gibi parça düzenini serbestçe belirtebilen el kullanımı için manuel puls üretecidir. 
Vücudun yan tarafına bir açma anahtarı monte edilebilir (bir tarafı ve her iki tarafı).

Handy Manual Pulse Generator Katalog


Tosoku İK

Yeni tasarımda el kullanımı için manuel puls üretecidir ve bu sayede son yıllarda her iki tarafta da giderek artan talep edilen 3 pozisyon etkinleştirme anahtarının monte edilmesini mümkün kılmıştır. 
Üst panel kısmı serbest tasarım, acil durdurma ve çeşitli anahtarlar düzenlenebilir. 
Seçim anahtarı, dijital kod anahtarı DP tipi veya standart RS400 tipi döner anahtar, vb. Arasından da seçilebilir. Çeşitli varyasyon isteklerini yerine getirebilir.

Handy Manual Pulse Generator Katalog



Tosoku HS

Parça yerleşimi ile serbest el kullanımı için manuel puls üretecidir. 
Reçineden yapılan ana gövde olgusunu gerçekleştirerek, önemli miktarlarda ölçüm gerçekleştirdik. 
Ek olarak, BOX, IP 67'ye eşdeğer hermetik olarak sızdırmaz bir yapıya sahiptir. 
(Bununla birlikte, şartname kullanılan anahtara bağlı olarak değişebilir.)

Handy Manual Pulse Generator Katalog


Tosoku HF

HF serisi, kasanın boyutunu sınırlamayan tamamen özgür bir tasarım Tepa BOX. 
HS serisinden daha fazla parça (acil stop buton, aydınlatma buton anahtarı, gösterge lambası vb.) Ayarlamak mümkündür.

Handy Manual Pulse Generator Katalog


Tosoku HF3

Bu üç ultra-ince manuel darbe jeneratörleri RE45 ile bir operasyon KUTUSU. X ekseni, Y ekseni, Z ekseni bağımsız olarak çalışabilirliği iyileştirir. Büyütme seçimi döner anahtar ve eksen seçimi X ekseni Y ekseni Z ekseni AÇIK / KAPALI geçiş anahtarı da dahildir. Diğer özel düzenler de üretilebilir.

Handy Manual Pulse Generator Katalog

Tosoku​ Trackball


Tosoku TB36

Topu parmak ucuyla veya avuçla döndürerek, topla birbirine kenetlenen optik enkoder döner ve X ve Y yönlerinde dijital sinyaller çıkarır. 
Sağlamlığı geliştirirken, halkada topu korurken kompakt ve sağlam bir tasarıma sahiptir.

Trackball Kataloğu



Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-2-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 3-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0302N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 4-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0303N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-4-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 5-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-4-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0304N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-5-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 6-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-5-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0305N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-6-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 7-Position Switc

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-6-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0306N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-B-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 11-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-B-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...
Item: MR8CV030BN12RSP


Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-2-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 3-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0302N12RS

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 4-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0303N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-5-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 6-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-5-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0305N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-6-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 7-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-6-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0306N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-B-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 11-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-B-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space..

Item: MR8CV030BN12RSP



MR8CV03 Yapılandırmaları

MR8C V -03-0-5-M-12-R-SP 
MR8C- V-03-0-8-M-12-R-SP 
MR8C-V -03-0-BM-12-R-SP 

MR8C-V-03-0 -5-M-12-R 
MR8C-V-03-0-8-M- 12-R 
MR8C-V-03- 0-CM-12-R 


MR8CV03 Yapılandırmaları





Item Name

Item No

Manual Pulse Generator Parts and Repair MPG

Need an MPG for New Application? Big discounts for integrating into your New equipment. Contact us for...

Item: MPG-Cable-Parts

RS113P4-4-10APS20R Tosoku Rotary Switch

Tosoku RS113P4-4-10APS20R Series Rotary Switch 4 Deck 27.69 degree (built to spec) Buy Tosoku RS113 series...

Item: B1389

Tosoku Dial for Hand Wheel 60mm Dia (6mm shaft)

Buy replacement Tosoku plastic dial for manual pulse generator MPG hand wheel. Fits HC115, HC121 and HC111...

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Tosoku Dial for Hand Wheel 72mm Dia (6mm shaft)

Buy replacement Tosoku plastic dial for manual pulse generator MPG hand wheel. Fits RE45 DT-1A201...

Item: B1410

Tosoku Dial for Hand Wheel 74mm Dia (8mm shaft)

Buy replacement Tosoku plastic dial for manual pulse generator MPG hand wheel. DT-9A211-01 Tosoku Dial...

Item: B1412

Tosoku DPP and DPN Switches

See the links below for Tosoku DPP, DPN Rotary Switches Tosoku DPP01 DPN01 H Series Switch Tosoku DPP01

Tosoku DPP01- 020J16R  Digital Code Rotary Switch

Tosoku DPP01-108N16R Digital Code Rotary Switch

Item: Tosoku-DP-Switches

MPG Cable 3 Meter 19 Wire Manual Pulse Generator Spiral Cable

Manual pulse generator Cable 3 meter 19 wire - extends 13ft, retracted 6ft hand wheel cable for Manual Pulse...

Item: CB2301

Tosoku PG-03 part number PG003H07L16 5-Pin Switch

Tosoku PG-03 is an old style rotary switch part number PG003H07L16 designed for compact pulse generators with...

Item: PG-03

MPG Cable 3 Meter 25 Wire Manual Pulse Generator Spiral Cable

Manual pulse generator Cable 3 meter 13ft extends 6ft retracted cable 25 wire hand wheel cable for Manual...

Item: CB2303

MPG Cable 5 Meter 19 Wire Manual Pulse Generator Spiral Cable

Manual pulse generator Cable 5 meter 19 wire - extends 19ft, retracted 7ft hand wheel cable for Manual Pulse...

Item: CB2302

EBSP-2119MG-D DDK Connector for Tosoku MPG

Buy DDK EBSP2119MG-D Male Connector for Tosoku Handy Manual Pulse Generator Curl Cord Buy EBSP2119MG-D...

Item: EBSP2119MG-D

MPG Cable 5 Meter 25 Wire Manual Pulse Generator Spiral Cable

Manual pulse generator Cable 5 meter cable 25 wire hand wheel cable for Manual Pulse Generator (19ft...

Item: CB2304

MPG Cable 2.5 Meter 27 Wire Manual Pulse Generator Spiral Cable

Manual pulse generator Cable 2.5 meter / 7.5 ft cable 27 wire hand wheel cable for Manual Pulse Generator....

Item: CB2306

EBR-2119FGS-D DDK Connector Flange Mount

Buy DDK EBR2119FGS-D Flange Mount Connector for Tosoku Handy Manual Pulse Generator Curl Cord Buy...

Item: EBR2119FGS-D

Tosoku HC111 Manual Pulse Generator-Hand Wheel (4 axis) 5m

Tosoku HC111 Manual Pulse Generator - Hand Wheel HC111 is for  equipment 12VDC 100PPR HC111 Rotary MPG -...

Item: HC111

Tosoku HC115 Manual Pulse Generator Wheel (2-axis XZ)

Tosoku Manual Pulse Generators TOSOKU HC115 Manual Pulse Generator – Hand Wheel Tosoku HC115 with Axes...

Item: HC115-00XZ3M

Tosoku HC115 Manual Pulse Generator Wheel (2-axis XZ)

Tosoku Manual Pulse Generators TOSOKU HC115 Manual Pulse Generator – Hand Wheel Tosoku HC115 with Axes...

Item: HC115-00XZ5M

Tosoku HC115 Manual Pulse Generator Handwheels

These CNC machine MPG's are very commonly used on Fanuc Controls though they are also used on many other...

Item: HC115

Tosoku HC115-01 MPG Hand Wheel

Tosoku Manual Pulse Generators This is a place holder for Tosoku Series HC115-01 and part number on Back of...

Item: HC115-01

Tosoku HC115-03 MPG Hand Wheel

Tosoku Manual Pulse Generators This is a place holder for Tosoku Series HC115-03 and part number on Back of...

Item: HC115-03

Tosoku HC121 Manual Pulse Generator Hand Wheels

Most commonly used on Mitsubishi Controls.The part numbers listed here are base part numbers. These units are...

Item: HC121

Tosoku HC121-01 MPG Hand Wheel

HC121-01 is typically for Mitsubishi Based CNC Controls requiring BCD input Tosoku Manual Pulse Generators...

Item: HC121-01

Tosoku HC121-03 MPG Hand Wheel

Tosoku HC121-03 Manual Pulse Generator - Hand Wheel HC121-03 is typically for Mitsubishi Based CNC Controls...

Item: HC121-03

Tosoku MPG Selector Knob 3mm shaft diameter BF32

Replacement knob BF32 for manual pulse generator handwheel pendant. Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Indicating...

Item: BF32

Tosoku MPG Selector Knob 4mm shaft diameter BA40

Replacement knob BA40 for manual pulse generator handwheel pendant. Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Indicating...

Item: BA40

Tosoku MPG Selector Knob 6mm shaft diameter BB60

Replacement knob BB60 for manual pulse generator handwheel pendant. Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Indicating...

Item: BB60

Tosoku MR8CV010BN12RSP Rotary Switch (Real Binary BCD)

Tosoku MR8C-V-01-0-B-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch with Real Binary BCD coded. Designed for compact pulse...

Item: MR8CV010BN12RSP

Tosoku HC115AB10 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 2M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115AB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC115AB10

Tosoku HC115AB20 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 3m cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115AB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC115AB20

Tosoku HC115AB40 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115AB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC115AB40

Tosoku HC115AB30 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115AB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC115AB30

Tosoku HC115BB10 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115BB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC115BB10

Tosoku HC115BB20 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115BB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC115BB20

Tosoku HC115BB40 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115BB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC115BB40

Tosoku HC115BB30 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115BB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC115BB30

Tosoku HC115CB10 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115CB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC115CB10

Tosoku HC115CB20 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115CB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC115CB20

Tosoku HC115CB40 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115CB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC115CB40

Tosoku HC115CB30 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC115CB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC115CB30

Tosoku HC121AB10 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC121AB10



Tosoku HC121AB10 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC121AB10

Tosoku HC121AB20 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC121AB20

Tosoku HC121AB40 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC121AB40

Tosoku HC121AB30 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC121AB30

Tosoku HC121BB10 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC121BB10

Tosoku HC121BB20 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC121BB20

Tosoku HC121BB40 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC121BB40

Tosoku HC121BB30 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC121BB30

Tosoku HC121CB10 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC121CB10

Tosoku HC121CB20 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC121CB20

Tosoku HC121CB40 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC121CB40

Tosoku HC121CB30 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC121CB30

Tosoku HC121CB3003 Greycode MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 5M cable)

USE EAHM-1544A as substitute for this item if our of stock. Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB3003...

Item: HC121CB3003

Tosoku HM115AB10 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 2M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HM115AB10

Tosoku HM115AB20 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 3M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HM115AB20

Tosoku HM115AB30 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 5M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HM115AB30

Tosoku HM115AB40 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 4M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HM115AB40

Tosoku HM115BB10 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 2M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HM115BB10

Tosoku HM115BB20 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 3M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HM115BB20

Tosoku HM115BB30 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 5M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HM115BB30

Tosoku HM115CB10 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 2M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HM115CB10

Tosoku HM115CB20 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 3M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HM115CB20

Tosoku HM115CB30 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 5M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HM115CB30

Tosoku HM115CB40 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 4M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m..

Item: HM115CB40

Tosoku DP Switch Ribbon Cable with connector 9.8ft Whip (300cm) A30

Tosoku DP Switch Ribbon Cable with connector for easy connection to switch. This A30 cable connects to any...

Item: DPCBL300CM

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 H Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 H series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP01H

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 J Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 J series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP01J

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 L Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 L series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP01L

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 N Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 N series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Tosoku DPP01- 020J16R  Digital Code Rotary Switch

Tosoku DPP01-108N16R Digital Code Rotary Switch

Item: DPP01N

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 S Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 S series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Tosoku DPP01- 020J16R  Digital Code Rotary Switch

Tosoku DPP01-108N16R Digital Code Rotary Switch

Item: DPP01S

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 H Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 H series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02H

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 J Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 J series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02J

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 L Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 L series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02L

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 N Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 N series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02N

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 S Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 S series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02S

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 H Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 H series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP03H

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 J Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 J series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP03J

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 L Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 L series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP03L

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 N Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 N series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...




Tosoku HC121AB10 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC121AB10

Tosoku HC121AB20 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC121AB20

Tosoku HC121AB40 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC121AB40

Tosoku HC121AB30 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 5M cable)

Item: HC121AB30

Tosoku HC121BB10 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC121BB10

Tosoku HC121BB20 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC121BB20

Tosoku HC121BB40 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC121BB40

Tosoku HC121BB30 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC121BB30

Tosoku HC121CB10 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC121CB10

Tosoku HC121CB20 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC121CB20

Tosoku HC121CB40 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC121CB40

Tosoku HC121CB30 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC121CB30

Tosoku HC121CB3003 Greycode MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 5M cable)

USE EAHM-1544A as substitute for this item if our of stock. Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB3003...

Item: HC121CB3003

Tosoku HM115AB10 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 2M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HM115AB10

Tosoku HM115AB20 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 3M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HM115AB20

Tosoku HM115AB30 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 5M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HM115AB30

Tosoku HM115AB40 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 4M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HM115AB40

Tosoku HM115BB10 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 2M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HM115BB10

Tosoku HM115BB20 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 3M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HM115BB20

Tosoku HM115BB30 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 5M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HM115BB30

Tosoku HM115BB40 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 4M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HM115BB40

Tosoku HM115CB10 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 2M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HM115CB10

Tosoku HM115CB20 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 3M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HM115CB20

Tosoku HM115CB30 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 5M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HM115CB30

Tosoku HM115CB40 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 4M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HM115CB40

Tosoku DP Switch Ribbon Cable with connector 9.8ft Whip (300cm) A30

Tosoku DP Switch Ribbon Cable with connector for easy connection to switch. This A30 cable connects to any...

Item: DPCBL300CM

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 H Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 H series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP01H

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 J Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 J series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP01J

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 L Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 L series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Tosoku DPP01- 020J16R  Digital Code Rotary Switch

Tosoku DPP01-108N16R Digital Code Rotary Switch

Item: DPP01L

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 N Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 N series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Tosoku DPP01- 020J16R  Digital Code Rotary Switch

Tosoku DPP01-108N16R Digital Code Rotary Switch

Item: DPP01N

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 S Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 S series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Tosoku DPP01- 020J16R  Digital Code Rotary Switch

Tosoku DPP01-108N16R Digital Code Rotary Switch

Item: DPP01S

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 H Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 H series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02H

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 J Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 J series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02J

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 L Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 L series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02L

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 N Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 N series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02N

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 S Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 S series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02S

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 H Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 H series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP03H

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 J Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 J series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP03J

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 L Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 L series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP03L

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 N Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 N series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...




Tosoku HC121AB10 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC121AB10

Tosoku HC121AB20 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC121AB20

Tosoku HC121AB40 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC121AB40

Tosoku HC121AB30 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121AB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC121AB30

Tosoku HC121BB10 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC121BB10

Tosoku HC121BB20 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC121BB20

Tosoku HC121BB40 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC121BB40

Tosoku HC121BB30 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121BB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC121BB30

Tosoku HC121CB10 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 2M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HC121CB10

Tosoku HC121CB20 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 3M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HC121CB20

Tosoku HC121CB40 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 4M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HC121CB40

Tosoku HC121CB30 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 5M cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HC121CB30

Tosoku HC121CB3003 Greycode MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 5M cable)

USE EAHM-1544A as substitute for this item if our of stock. Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HC121CB3003...

Item: HC121CB3003

Tosoku HM115AB10 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 2M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HM115AB10

Tosoku HM115AB20 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 3M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HM115AB20

Tosoku HM115AB30 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 5M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HM115AB30

Tosoku HM115AB40 MPG Hand Wheel (4-axis with 4M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115AB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 4 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HM115AB4

Tosoku HM115BB10 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 2M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HM115BB10

Tosoku HM115BB20 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 3M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HM115BB20

Tosoku HM115BB30 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 5M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HM115BB30

Tosoku HM115BB40 MPG Hand Wheel (5-axis with 4M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115BB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 5 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HM115BB40

Tosoku HM115CB10 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 2M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB10 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 2m...

Item: HM115CB10

Tosoku HM115CB20 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 3M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB20 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 3m...

Item: HM115CB20

Tosoku HM115CB30 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 5M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB30 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 5m...

Item: HM115CB30

Tosoku HM115CB40 MPG Hand Wheel (6-axis with 4M Cable)

Authorized Distributor for Tosoku HM115CB40 Manual pulse generator. This MPG has 6 axis, X1-X10-X100 and a 4m...

Item: HM115CB40

Tosoku DP Switch Ribbon Cable with connector 9.8ft Whip (300cm) A30

Tosoku DP Switch Ribbon Cable with connector for easy connection to switch. This A30 cable connects to any...

Item: DPCBL300CM

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 H Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 H series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP01H

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 J Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 J series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP01J

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 L Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 L series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP01L

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 N Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 N series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP01N

Tosoku DPP01 - DPN01 S Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP01 or DPN01 S series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP01S

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 H Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 H series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02H

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 J Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 J series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02J

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 L Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 L series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02L

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 N Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 N series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02N

Tosoku DPP02 - DPN02 S Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP02 or DPN02 S series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP02S

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 H Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 H series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP03H

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 J Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 J series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP03J

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 L Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 L series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP03L

Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 N Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 N series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPN03 N



Tosoku DPP03 - DPN03 S Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP03 or DPN03 S series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP03S

Tosoku DPP04 - DPN04 H Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP04 or DPN04 H series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP04H

Tosoku DPP04 - DPN04 J Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP04 or DPN04 J series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP04J

Tosoku DPP04 - DPN04 L Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP04 or DPN04 L series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP04L

Tosoku DPP04 - DPN04 N Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP04 or DPN04 N series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP04N

Tosoku DPP04 - DPN04 S Series Rotary Switch (built to spec)

Buy Tosoku DPP04 or DPN04 S series rotary code switch. We can easily tailor your Tosoku DP switch to match...

Item: DPP04S

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-02-30-12-R-SP 13-Pin 2-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-02-30-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8AV1023012RSP

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-03-30-12-R-SP 13-Pin 3-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-03-30-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8AV1033012RSP

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-04-30-12-R-SP 13-Pin 4-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-04-30-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8AV1043012RSP

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-05-30-12-R-SP 13-Pin 5-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-05-30-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8AV1053012RSP

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-06-30-12-R-SP 13-Pin 6-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-06-30-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8AV1063012RSP

Tosoku MR8A-V-1-12-30-12-R-SP 13-pin 12-Position Switch

Tosuko MR8AV1123012RSP is a rotary switch designed for compact devices, used for many different devices which...

Item: MR8AV1123012RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-2-M-12-R-SP 5-Pin 3-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-2-M-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0302M12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-2-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 3-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0302N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-M-12-R-SP 5-Pin 4-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0303M12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 4-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-3-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0303N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-4-M-12-R-SP 5-Pin 5-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-4-M-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0304M12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-4-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 5-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-4-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0304N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-5-M-12-R-SP 5-Pin 6-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-5-M-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0305M12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-5-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 6-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-5-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0305N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-6-M-12-R-SP 5-Pin 7-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-6-M-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0306M12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-6-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 7-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-6-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV0306N12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-B-N-12-R-SP 5-Pin 11-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-B-N-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV030BN12RSP

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-F-M-12-R-SP 5-Pin 16-Position Switch

Tosoku MR8C-V-03-0-4-F-M-12-R-SP is a rotary switch designed for compact pulse generators with limited space...

Item: MR8CV030FM12RSP

RE45BA1O2C 24V 100PPR Open Collector Tosoku Pulse Generator

Buy Tosoku RE45BA1O2C handwheel encoder for Mpg hand wheels and control mounted units. We stock many hand...

Item: RE45BA1O2C

RE45BA1R5C 5V 100PPR Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator

Buy Tosoku RE45BA1R5 handwheel encoder for Mpg hand wheels and control mounted units. We stock many hand...

Item: RE45BA1R5C

RE45BC2R1C 12V 25PPR Tosoku Rotary Encoder

Buy Tosoku RE45BC2R1C handwheel encoder for Mpg hand wheels and control mounted units. We stock many hand...

Item: RE45BC2R1C

RE45T1CD5B1 Tosoku Optical MPG Handwheel Encoder

Buy RE45T1CD5B1 Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Optical Encoder handwheel. Hand wheel only. Does not include...

Item: RE45T1CD5B1

RE45T1SM5C1 Tosoku Optical MPG Handwheel Encoder

Buy RE45T1SM5C1 Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Optical Encoder handwheel. Hand wheel only. Does not include...

Item: RE45T1SM5C1

RE45T1SR1C1 Tosoku Optical MPG Handwheel Encoder

Buy RE45T1SR1C1 Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Optical Encoder handwheel. Hand wheel only. Does not include...

Item: RE45T1SR1C1

RE45T2SD5C Tosoku Optical MPG Handwheel Encoder

Buy RE45T2SD5C Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Optical Encoder handwheel. Hand wheel only. Does not include...

Item: RE45T2SD5C

RE45T2SM1B1 Tosoku Optical MPG Handwheel Encoder

Buy RE45T2SM1B1 Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Optical Encoder handwheel. Hand wheel only. Does not include...

Item: RE45T2SM1B1

RE45T2SM5C Tosoku Optical MPG Handwheel Encoder

Buy RE45T2SM5C Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Optical Encoder handwheel. Hand wheel only. Does not include...

Item: RE45T2SM5C

RE45T2SO1C Tosoku Optical MPG Handwheel Encoder

Buy RE45T2SO1C Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Optical Encoder handwheel. Hand wheel only. Does not include...

Item: RE45T2SO1C

RE45T2SO2C Tosoku Optical MPG Handwheel Encoder

Buy RE45T2SO2C Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Optical Encoder handwheel. Hand wheel only. Does not include...

Item: RE45T2SO2C

RE46A1CR5 Tosoku Optical MPG Handwheel Encoder

Buy RE46A1CR5 Tosoku Manual Pulse Generator Optical Encoder handwheel. Hand wheel only. Does not include full...

Item: RE46A1CR5C

RS113P4-4-10BPH20R Tosoku Rotary Switch

Tosoku RS113P4-4-10BPH20R Series Rotary Switch 4 Deck 13.85 degree (built to spec) Buy Tosoku RS113 series...

Item: B1390

RS113P4-4-10BPS20R Tosoku Rotary Switch

Tosoku RS113P4-4-10BPS20R Series Rotary Switch 4 Deck 27.69 degree (built to spec) Buy Tosoku RS113 series...

Item: B1391

Tosoku RS400 Multi Deck Rotary Switch (30 Degree Step Non-Shorting)

Tosoku RS400P4410AP3016R Series Rotary Switch 4 decks, Up to 11 positions, 4 poles, non-shorting, 30 degree...

Item: B1415

Tosoku RS400 Multi Deck Rotary Switch (30 Degree Step, shorting)

Tosoku RS400P4410BP3016R Series Rotary Switch 4 decks, Up to 11 positions, 4 poles, shorting, 30 degree step...

Item: B1414



Tosoku RS400 Multi Deck Rotary Switch (60 Degree Step Shorting)

Tosoku RS400P4404BP6016R Series Rotary Switch 4 decks, Up to 5 positions, 4 poles, shorting, 60 degree step...

Item: B1416

Custom name plate

Custom Name Platest For Tosoku Products are offered to further customize your MPG. We have several different...

Item: Custom Name Plate

RE23NS25CS20RA Tosoku Switch Rotary Encoder

Buy Tosoku RE23NS25CS20RA handwheel encoder for MPG hand wheels and control mounted units. We stock many hand...

Item: RE23NS25CS20RA

Tosoku DP Switch Replacement Knob (6mm shaft dia)

Buy replacement Tosoku Switch Knob with a shaft diameter of 6mm or .238 inches. Will fit Tosoku switches as...

Item: BS60

Tosoku EAHM-1540 MPG Handwheel Enable Estop 5m

Tosoku EAHM-1540 Manual Pulse Generator MPG Handwheel (6 axis with 5m cable) HM115 with 100PPR/5v...

Item: EAHM-1540

Tosoku EAHM-1541A MPG Handwheel PTP - 6 axis (5m cable)

Tosoku EAHM-1541A Manual Pulse Generator MPG (6 axis with 5m cable) HM115 with 100PPR/5v Fanuc/no magnet/MR8A...

Item: EAHM-1541A

Tosoku EAHM-1542A MPG Handwheel - 03 Gray Code output - 6 Axis (5m cable)

Tosoku EAHM-1542A Manual Pulse Generator MPG Handwheel (6 axis with 5m cable) HM115-03 with 100PPR/5v...

Item: EAHM-1542A

Tosoku EAHM-1543A MPG Handwheel HM121 - 25PPR-12v (6 axis) (5m cable)

Tosoku EAHM-1543A Manual Pulse Generator MPG Handwheel (6 axis with 5m cable) HM121 with 25PPR/12v no magnet/...

Item: EAHM-1543A

Tosoku EAHM-1544A MPG Handwheel (HM121-03 25PPR/12v - 6 axis - 5m)

Tosoku EAHM-1544A Manual Pulse Generator MPG Handwheel (6 axis with 5m cable) HM121-03 with 25PPR/12v for...

Item: EAHM-1544A

Tosoku EAHM-1635 MPG (HM115 Enable 100PPR 5v 6-axis 5m)

Tosoku EAHM-1635 Manual Pulse Generator Handwheel Pendant HM115 with Enable/100PPR/5v Fanuc/no magnet/MR8A...

Item: EAHM-1635

Tosoku EAHR-748 with 100PPR 5V-Rotary MPG 5 Axis Binary (5m)

Tosoku EAHR-748 Manual Pulse Generator MPG Handwheel (5 axis with 5m cable) Stocked Customized Tosoku HR...

Item: EAHR-748

Tosoku EAHR-853 with Enable switch 25PPR 12V-Rotary 6 Axis Binary (5m)

Tosoku EAHR-853 Manual Pulse Generator MPG Handwheel (6 axis with 5m cable) Stocked Customized Tosoku HR...

Item: EAHR-853

Tosoku EAHR-854 with Estop-Enable switch 25PPR 12V-Rotary 6 Axis Binary (5m)

Tosoku EAHR-854 Binary Manual Pulse Generator MPG Handwheel (6 axis with 5m cable) Stocked Customized Tosoku...

tem: EAHR-854

Tosoku EAHR-861 25PPR 12V-Rotary 6 Axis 01-Binary (5m)

Tosoku EAHR-861 Binary Manual Pulse Generator MPG Handwheel (6 axis with 5m cable) Stocked Customized Tosoku...

Item: EAHR-861

Tosoku EAHR-878 with Estop-Enable switch 100PPR 5V-Rotary 6 Axis Binary (5m)

Tosoku EAHR-878 Binary Manual Pulse Generator MPG Handwheel (6 axis with 5m cable) Stocked Customized Tosoku...

Item: EAHR-878

ZAZZ-439-10 Tosoku 10m Whip

Item: ZAZZ-439-1


Tosoku DPP01- 020J16R  Digital Code Rotary Switch

Tosoku DPP01-108N16R Digital Code Rotary Switch


Tosoku  Ürünleri ile uygun rekabetçi fiyaları almak için müşteri temsilçimiz ile veya Fiyat teklifi formunu doldurarak mesaj bırakmanız halinde satış muhendislerimiz en kısa zamanda sizinle irtibat kuracaklardır. 

markasına ait tüm ürünler

    0 kayıt bulundu



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